Unlock a $75 Uber Voucher with Clear Plus Sign-Up (Free with Amex Green/Platinum)
Get ready for an incredible offer! Sign up for Clear Plus, absolutely free with Amex Green/Platinum, and receive a fantastic $75 Uber voucher. Don't miss out - sign up for Clear Plus using the link above before 10/20 at 11:59 pm ET. You'll receive your Uber voucher by 10/24/23, and it's valid until 4/24/24.
No worries about completing airport registration right away - Clear tracks your membership by email. This unbeatable promotion is a steal, especially considering that Clear Plus typically costs $189/year, but non-elite United and Delta members can enroll for just $179/year. Even United and Delta cardholders and mid-tier elite members can take advantage of this incredible offer.
Don't wait - visit AmericanExpress.com to learn more!