Exciting news! The highly sought-after MKF handbags are back on sale at Zulily, and you won't believe the prices. All styles are now available for just $19.99, originally priced at $109 and above. But wait, there's more! We have some fantastic Zulily shopping secrets to help you save even more.
Don't forget to create an account to access this incredible sale. Shipping starts at $5.99 and varies by location, but here's the best part - if you place an order with paid shipping from Sunday to Thursday, you'll enjoy free shipping on any additional orders placed by 11:59 p.m. PT that same day.
And for orders placed with paid shipping on Friday or Saturday, you'll receive free shipping on all additional items ordered by 11:59 p.m. PT on Sunday. Hurry and grab your favorite MKF handbags before they're gone! Check out more fantastic deals on Zulily now.