Shop Online Candy Clearance at Walgreens for as Low as $0.49 ⏤ No Coupons Required!
By Aisha Patel - August 23, 2023 12:01 am
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Get ready to indulge in some spooky savings at Walgreens this Halloween season! The candy aisle is fully stocked with a variety of treats marked down as low as $0.49, and you don't even need a coupon or rebate to enjoy these sweet prices. Rest assured, these amazing deals are guaranteed online, but keep your eyes peeled as you may find even cheaper prices at your local store. And if you have any Register Rewards or Walgreens Cash saved up, this is the perfect opportunity to put them to good use.

Don't miss out on this fang-tastic deal! Sign up for a free account to start earning Walgreens Cash on every purchase, and discover more ways to save on Halloween candy. Happy trick-or-treating!

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